What Are The Facts Related to Reducing Carbon Emissions?

Measuring a company's greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is the first step in reducing its environmental impact and assisting in the fight against climate change. To this end, numerous private organizations certified to measure carbon footprints can assist businesses. O'Brien Boiler Services Pty. Ltd. also aids businesses and makes it possible to reduce carbon emissions.

The company's activities that produce the most pollutants are the focus of the organization's investigation. After this analysis is finished, businesses can start thinking about ways to reduce emissions.

The Emissions Reduction Fund gives landowners, communities, and businesses a chance to run projects in Australia that either remove and store carbon from the atmosphere or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.

The program allows participants to earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) through various activities. Each ACCU represents carbon dioxide equivalent emissions avoided or stored by a project. ACCUs can be sold to make money through a carbon abatement contract with the Australian government or on the secondary market to businesses and other private buyers.

The Emissions Reduction Fund from a reliable organization also includes a safeguard mechanism. These things require Australia's largest greenhouse gas and emitters to keep their net emissions below a limit to ensure that these reductions are not significantly displaced by increased emissions elsewhere in the economy. Net zero carbon emissions are also present here, and O'Brien helps businesses in this case.  

The Australian Carbon Exchange is being developed by the Clean Energy Regulator to support the rapidly rising demand from the corporate sector and simplify the trading of ACCUs. It will aid in developing Australia's vibrant carbon markets, where individuals and businesses can trade ACCUs credited from approved Emissions Reduction Fund projects.
